No me da la vida
Podcast See No me da la vida live
Feb 2021 | Co-creator & co-host
Slogan — El podcast tech 🎙 donde no aprenderás nada nuevo 🦄
What is this project about?
No me da la vida is a technology podcast, created and hosted by Alba Silvente (@dawntraoz) and Miriam González (@miriamgonp).
Episodes and theme tunes edited and produced by Gargantua Estudios (@gargantuaES). Image and branding by Iris Vidal (@zomiga).
It is made up of 5 sections:
News — In this section, we bring you up to date with the latest news from the world of development.
Unicorn tech — In each episode, we bring a guest to interview and talk to her/him about the topics she/he is known for.
Tell us about your hardships — To find out the frustration our listeners go through in their day-to-day lives in the industry, we answer questions or narrate anecdotes they send us and discuss them.
I had no idea about this — Each month, we bring a couple of sites or resources that we have discovered during the month and have found useful in work or time organization.
Shitty reflections — To end each episode we reflect on things that have happened to us, that we want to improve or that we are grateful for. In this way, we also give importance to mental health in the web development sector, which is often the most forgotten.
Each episode, we leave program notes with the resources and links shared during the recording: Show Notes on Notion!
What was I doing in the first season? (Feb 2021 — Feb 2022)
As co-creator, I was in charge, together with Miriam, of coming up with the format of the podcast, the sections of the episodes, the design, the voice, and the tone of the brand.
In each monthly episode I look for and communicate the news that have emerged in the world of web development, but mostly related to the world of front-end, design or software architecture.
As co-host, I am in charge of recording the episode and guiding different sections in each episode.
After the recording I am responsible for organizing the show notes, made in Notion, which are then made available to the listeners. In the show notes we always leave links to all the resources, news and software mentioned during the episode.
Once our editor gives us the final track, I upload the audio and episode’s cover to the platform that distributes the podcast, Anchor. Leaving a short description with links to the guest's accounts, our social networks and the episode notes.
Spotify Playlist 1st season
What do I do in the second season? (Feb 2022 — Now)
In the second season, Míriam and I have invested in a graphic designer, Iris Vidal, to rebrand the podcast and make it more professional. And, along with the rebranding, we decided to launch the podcast also in video format and open new social media accounts for the podcast.
After two hard months of work, the podcast is now available on YouTube. 👇
One of the new social networks we opened is Instagram, where I am in charge of the written posts in the feed and Míriam is in charge of video content such as Stories and Reels. Just as we use Instagram Reels, we will also upload episode pills to our new TikTok account.
And not to leave out the written content, on Twitter and on our new LinkedIn page I'll be in charge of putting into text format what we're putting out and announcing the news, always keeping the community in the loop!
But that's not all! I've been in charge of setting up a Discord community with the MEE6 bot, so we can create better relationships with our listeners, build a family, give them a voice in the podcast and share moments. Because the podcast is useless without a dedicated audience as much as the co-creators and the team of No me da la vida!
Spotify Playlist 2nd season
Social media
Twitter — @nomedalavidadev
Instagram — @nomedalavidadev
TikTok — @nomedalavidadev
LinkedIn Page — No me da la vida
Discord — No me da la vida
Find all No me da la vida related links at